Tuesday, September 29, 2015

World Values Survey

Justifiable: Suicide

I chose suicide. and I could see very interesting results.
Zimbabwe GDP has recorded the world's top 115.
There is no doubt being a starving poor countries. 
However, the suicide rate is not high compared to other countries.
What is the reason? I think that this unique religious rituals.
I don't know that it's suicide rate, even where they are not happy they don't have that many think it is very interesting.

Monday, September 28, 2015

World Value Survey : Importance of Self expression

Showing this category , south korea is top ranked in importance of self-expression
and USA is ranked lowly. This result is very surprising to me. because i think that south korea's children is more less self-expression than usa's kids.
I Think that self-expression is very related to activity.
south korea's parents usually care of their child more deeply. for example if their child
go to academy, they go to academy together and bring their kid after academy.
more deeply, korea parents usally live together their children that graduated university
or not have a job. 
but united state's child stand on one's own feet in early age. in high school children
in usa, they warn a their poket money on theirself. 
So i think that south korea's child more inactivty than usa' child 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

What is globalization?


Globalization is both general and specific topic. It has many different stories and effects on demarcation of the distinctive features of being called globalization. Many different topics are under the instruction of globalization. For example, there is a global governance, global citizenship, and so on.

Globalization is an originally contested conception. Many papers like articles and books said that there is no perfect definition of globalization. It covers many fields on the world. It is the reason why globalization dose not have an accepted meaning. And It is also focused on political, economical, and cultural definition, so it is difficult to define it as a kind of concept. For these reasons, many scholars prove globalization in the plural, as opposed to a single process of globalization.

McDonaldization by Ritzer could explain the dimensions of globalization, specially in cultural perspective. Cultural differences can be handled by adapting differences. It means that services and goods which have special features like a religion are found around the world.

The issue of the form of globalization was raised sharply by Immanuel Wallerstein. Many scholars have used aspects of his eminent work in addressing this topic. According to him, the world has not become a single place under the capitalism. When we were not in capitalism system, the world could be the single place. Examples are the Soviet Communist Party, or through the expansion of German Fascism. The ancient origin of globalization is currently being issued by scholars from a number of disciplines, particularly sociological history.

Glocaliztion has been being received attention in study of business and economy fields. It is associated with both global and local. It covers relationship between the global and local. It does not mean that the global is opposite of the local. it is kind of another aspect coming from different perspective in same field.

As a result, the main points of the attempt to figure out globalization are the following. First, globalization has two tendencies, increasing global connectivity and increasing global consciousness that does not mean that consensus, but just a shared sense of the world as a whole. Second, globalization has been focused on four points of reference: nation-state; world politics; individuals; and humankind. Third, the globalization is constituted by four major facets of human life-namely, the cultural, the social, the political and economic.


Before I read this paper you gave us, I defined ‘Globalization’ as a kind of communicate, share, and exchange something with another foreign countries beyond the wall of distance. However, after read this, I could define it as an aspect of new concept. It means that no one can define globalization, because it is very huge and various concept. My answer is that its definition has been changed as time goes on and by social change.

The new word that is ‘Glocalization’ was new concept ever seen and heard. It is interesting that this new term covers relationship between local and global. As far as I know, local and global could not stand on the same stage, because it is defined that they are opposite in my mental, before I read this. However, I learned that they are not opposite. They are just different concepts for speaking of globalization in this article.


I have been hearing that ‘The most Korean thing is the most global thing.’ I want to associate this with ‘Glocalization.’ Both have the same contents global and local. To begin with, I define Korean thing is ‘local’ and global thing is ‘global’. And I try to find what examples are on it. In my first hit on my head was K-POP. All K-POP is firstly and inevitably launched in Korea. Through the globalization processing especially on the cultural(aspect of entertaining) field, K-POP became the global thing. It shows very well the process of the globalization on special field.

However, I want to throw the question ‘Is it good or bad?’ One culture affects another culture. I saw the article that one Muslim girl hugs with Korean singer who is man in his Fan-meeting stage. The girl was arrested after that, because Muslim culture does not allow girls to have touch with man who is not their husband. Even women in Saudi Arabia can not drive a car, because of the religious reason. For these aspects, countries have different Human Right level of women. It shows that one culture sometimes badly affects another culture. Even though we are facing the globalization era, it is difficult to change countries’ own different culture. The Culture is most valuable thing in the world, because it shows the nation’s originality and sometimes proves king’s power. In my personal opinion, it is not important to makes the world global, but crucial for protecting our own culture from something inappropriate and bad, and opposite from nation's ideal.