Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Political Globalization

by Gerard Delanty and Chris Rumford
1) Summarize in your own words of materials you read
  Political globalization is the form of globalization that brake boundaries among nations. This means that our society is becoming a postational and transnational world. The nation-state, it is decreased by the impact of global forces that the development of transnational networks, flows and processes of reterritorialization. The multifaced nature of globalization is the most important thing for the approach to political globalization. Political globalization is a tension between three processes which interact to produce the complex field of global politics: global geopolitics, global normative culture and polycentric networks.
  Since the end of the communist regimes in Europe after 1991, democracy has become the general form of government. The United States will not be able to establish global dominance and will be challenged by many centres of power. Thus, globalization gives the democratic nation-state worldwide acceptability, and geopolitics of global power is the first dimension of political globalization.
  The global normative culture is a second dimension of political globaliztion. It is independent of geopolitics and This means that a dimension of globalization is not specifically Western. The global normative culture emphasizes a human rights. National politics is framed in terms of global discourses.
  The polycentric networks are related to global governance. Global governance means global civil society. United Nations, European Union and many other IGOs are the form of the global governance. A global civil society has come into existence around INGOs.
  The three dimensions of political globalization can be examined around four examples of social transformation: the transformation of nationality and citizenship, the public sphere and political communication, civil society, and space and borders.
  Globalization transforms the state around global capitalism, making it impossible for nation-states to be independent. It is important that not a demise of nationstate but a transformation of nationstate.
  The ‘civil societalization’ of politics both reinforces the idea that politics is increasingly informed by a normative global culture and points to the transformation of the nation-state as a site of political struggle. In other words, the ‘civil societalization’ of politics signifies a commonality of political forms which link the local and the global, the national and the transnational, and mobilizes a range of actors around common political codes: competitiveness, sustainability, personhood rights and social justice.
  The point of political globalization is the civil society. It is not real political globalization that America, Europe and other powerful nations govern the world society. Indeed, political globalization has to work to create the possibility for a proliferation of sites of political conflict around an expanded set of concerns: governance, identity, mobilities and community prominent amongst them.
 2) Mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned 
  I’m interested in two facts. One is the INGO(International Non-Governmental Organization), the other is a Civil Society.
INGO is not a governmental organization but a private organization. INGO reflects public opinion to the UN, asks itself about agenda that is resolved in UN, and does lots of things such as making executable programs, improving human rights, banishment of poverty and maintaining the world piece.
  I think that the civil society may be the best political globalization. In this chapter, I found that global civil society can resolve the contradictory tendencies.
Especially, I was interested in this paragraph ‘The centrality of global civil society to political globalization inheres in its location at the confluence of processes leading to the construction of mechanisms of polycentric governance (Scholte 2004) and the emergence of transnational movements and networks which are working to erode more territorial organizational forms.’
 3) Identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle 
 I didn't understand this chapter very well. A economical and cultural globalization have more examples than politics. I think the point of this chapter is the civil society. Not solitary or some powerful nation’s governance but polycentric governance is the aim of the best political globalization. But in political circles of one nation, many politician fight each other because of the political globalization. This means whether one nation accepts the policy of other nation is the problem. The public may need a better policy that is became effective in other nations. Then, for the civil society, what we have to do? and why we need the political globalization?

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