Cultural Globalization
In the relationship between globalization and culture, To understand the meaning and character of ‘cultural globalization’, we first should understand defining features of the two constituent terms.
One simple way of defining globalization is to say that it is a complex, accelerating, integrating process of global connectivity.
This increasing Connectivity pretty much defines our use of communications technologies. -mobile phones, computers, e-mail, the Internet.
I agree this part. Through this smart world, we have been globalization .
now, we can connect other nation friends.
for example, through SNS, we communicate with them everywhere.
That is our world connects one.
we must resist the temptation to attribute it with causal primacy in the globalization process.
First, because we are not handling with straightforward empirical judgments about what specific practices drive everything else, but also with questions of the constitution of analytical categories: to what extent are economic practices also, intrinsically, cultural ones?
The second reason is that it perverts our understanding of the sphere of culture.
To clarify this, we have to probe a little more into the complicated and often elusive concept of culture.
This say " What I have emphasized here is that culture is a dimension in which globalization both has its effects and simultaneously is generated and shaped."
But now, moving to more concrete issues, we need to ask: what sort of shape is
In a global culture, This reading say that one common conjecture about the globalization process is that it will lead to a single global culture.
This is only guess, but the reason it seems possible is that we can see the ‘unifying’ effects of connectivity.
However, increasing global connectivity never necessarily implies that the world is becoming either economically or politically ‘unified’.
What is feared here is the total domination of world cultures through the unopposed advance of iconic brands such as Disney, Coca-Cola, Marlboro,
Microsoft, Google, McDonald’s, CNN, Nike and Starbucks.
I wonder why this writer is feared in this brand.
Disney, Coca-cola, Google, McDonald's, Nike and Starbucks....these are loved brand in the world. we like this brands, we exploit this brand.
but, after I read next sentence, I know a little the meaning.
Eating McDonald’s hamburgers, smoking Marlboro cigarettes, drinking Coke and playing computer games may be bad for you in all sorts of ways.
But they do not in themselves provide much solid evidence of a capitulation to deeper Western cultural values.
however, if it is doing this, is effortlessly installing Western culture as global culture.
I think "globalism" is biased towards the West culture.
global is one. Our world is made together.
because of this meaning, total domination of western culture brand is dangerous in global.
we find a very early, pre-modern example of an imagined theologically revealed ‘globalism
In deterritorialization,
The vast majority of us live local lives, but globalization is rapidly changing our experience of this ‘locality’ and one way of grasping this change is in the idea of ‘deterritorialization’.
In fact the idea of deterritorialization has fairly radical theoretical implications for traditional ways of understanding culture.
Culture has long opened implication tying it to the idea of a fixed locality. The idea of ‘a culture’ implicitly connects meaning construction with particularity and location.
If globalizationis the spread of complex socialeconomic connections across distance, then deterritorialization refers to the reach of this connectivity into the localities in which everyday life is conducted and experienced.
But we should be clear about precisely what this entails. Deterritorialization is not simply the loss of the experience of a local culture.
Localities, on the other hand, thrive in globalization.
Even to the point of the violent contesting of local territory along ethnic lines .
So what is different? The difference that deterritorialization makes is that the culture produced by locality is no longer the single most important factor in our lived reality.
'deterritorializing' is felt in very ordinary practices.
This meaning can know reading next sentences
we choose between eating in Italian, Mexican, Thai, Indian or Japanese
restaurants; as we settle down in our living rooms to watch an American soap opera or the news coverage of a distant
political event; as we casually phone friends on other continents, aware of their ‘distance’ only in terms of a time difference;
as we routinely log on to Google for information rather than walking down to the local public library.
I empathizes this sentences. now, I think everyone empathizes this part.
and I like the world is becoming one because of this aspects.
In cosmopolitanism and cultural identity,
This say as I suggested in discussion of the prospects for a global culture, the idea of a progressive, cosmopolitan cultural politics deserves to be taken seriously.
This mean we efforts to understand exactly cultural difference and adjust this things.
That is, the question of the formation of ‘cultural identity’.
The key here is the pluralism of identity positions.
However, thinking about these issues in terms of identity positions does soften
some of the starker intractabilities.
But it does not need to be considered as the card which trumps all ‘lesser’ rights and duties.
Despite the historical tendency for cultures and nations to claim universality as their possession, the appeal to the universal can perhaps be made to work in a cosmopolitan world order as a construct.
we urgently need to think even more nimble and flexible cultural concepts than we so far possess.
As this article mentioned, we are biased western cultures.
but can this parts change?
Globalization is already a situation that is going on in the western culture.
we like culture of America and respect.
we have mind that want to resemble western culture.
I think globalization should be made through cultures of every nation.
but, this may be difficult matters.
I wonder some way how to achieve the equivalent of globalization in every nation.
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