I choose 4 nations to compare world values survey : South Korea, Japan, China and the United States.
My first survey question is 'Satisfaction with your life'
According to the result, 3 nations except Korea have answered to the highly ranked answers.
And it means like this,
Most people of United States answered that they are highly satisfied with their life. Also, Japan and China have quite similar answers. The proportion of answer and quantities are similar with each other. The common thing that the United States, Japan and China is the proportion of highly satisfied is high. Among these nations, the proportion of the United States is the highest. It shows that most people of United States satisfying with their life. However, South Korea has little bit different aspect with 3 other nations. South Korea has highly answered at 5, 6, and 7: it means that people of South Korea are not very satisfied with their life.
This result is well-understanding when refer to the following graph.
This result is about the feeling happiness. The comparing nations are same with first survey. As a result, I could find out that South Korea are rather happy comparatively with other 3 nations.
I would like to get the reason why Koreans feel rather happy and not very satisfied with their life. What makes them not satisfying and not happy for their life? I'd like to share some ideas with classmates.
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