Monday, October 19, 2015

Cultural Globalization

1.Summarize in your own words of materials you read
  Understand the meaning and character of ‘cultural globalization’ we first have to understand globalization and culture.
  Every serious scholar today would say that globalization is a multidimensional process, taking place within the spheres of the economy, of politics, of technological developments particularly media and communications technologiesof environmental change and of culture. Globalization is a very complex, accelerating, integrating process of global connectivity. The world is changing and developing in many areas(social, economic and cultural life in the modern world. We could simply defined globalization as a ‘flows’ around them of virtually everything that characterizes modern life: flows of capital, commodities, people, knowledge, information and ideas, crime, pollution, diseases, fashions, beliefs, images and so forth.
  But these connectivity is also has side effect such as global warming, terror and so on. The global dominance of the capitalist system is the general world situation.
  In this situation, Our wrong understand or attitude about globalization is that it distorts our understanding of the sphere of culture. For example, Common expressions like ‘the impact of globalization on culture’ or ‘the cultural consequences of globalization’ contain a tacit assumption that globalization is a process which somehow has its sources and its terrain of operation outside of culture. These expressions are accept interpretation of cultural globalization that as ‘cultural imperialism’, ‘Americanization’ or ‘Westernization’. In these ways, culture seems to be a peculiarly inert category. But Culture is not a power and it is to generate meaning in life. Culture is at the deep centre of the human condition, such as shelter and sustenance. Also Cultural signification and interpretation constantly motivate and orient people.
  If the world is increasingly globalized, it may lead to a single global culture. This is only a speculation, but the reason it seems possible is that we can see may parts of unifying spheres. Particularly in the economic sphere. Globalization makes the world in many respects, a single place. But in case of ‘Third World’ (such as Africa), the process of globalization is not quite global and uneven. Globalization pushing us towards an all-encompassing ‘global culture’. The author of this article says that the cultural globalization is a form of cultural imperialism.
  Globalization is rapidly changing our experience of ‘locality’. And we can grasp this change of about ‘locality’ in the idea of ‘deterritorialization’. As Nestor García Canclini describes it, the idea of deterritorialization implies ‘the loss of the “natural” relation of culture to geographical and social territories’. Deterritorialization reduce the significance of the geographical lication of a culture. In this case the geographical location of a culture means that not only the physical, but environmental and climatic location. Deterritorialization is not simply the loss of the experience of local cuture. The difference that deterritorialization makes is that the culture produced by locality is no longer. In our ordinary everyday life, we could felt that ‘deterritorializing’ aspect of globalization. For example, We can get world’s various food or products easily these days. The deterritorialization arises from a complex set of economic, political and technological factors. And it is not a phenomenon which can usefully be tied down to one dimension of analysis. This is our increasing routine dependence on electrinic media and communications technologies and systems. The ‘telemediatization’ of culture is a key distinction in twenty first century life. Because of development of communications technology, we can ‘virtual travel’ by television or internet. It is as a peculiar form of mobility that does not involve actual physical movement. But it also has side effects. These speed and ‘instant access’ means in the longer term for our emotions, our social relations and our cultural values, for example, the value of patience. Deterritorialization disturbs and transforms local experience. It could offers people wider cultural horizons.
  In globalization world, We facing two sets of strong rational principles pulling in different directions. Universal human rights or cultural difference? We don’t really know which flag to stand beside because in most cases there seem good reasons to stand beside both. There in not any easy solution to this dilemma. Human rights can be invoked to defend cultural difference in just the same way that they can be used to argue for universal standards of justice, or equality of provision in healthcare, education and so forth. The pluralism of identity positions is also important. We need to come up with much more nimble and flexble cultural concepts than we so far possess.
2.Mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned
  Before I read this article, I don’t have a right definition of cultural globalization. I think cultural globalization is just process of globalization. But I knew that there are various interrelation between culture and globalization. And, The part of Deterritorialization is the most interesting pare of the article. Because follow the artcle, My daily life is also kind of cultural globalization. Everyday life such as, eating foreign foods, listening Pop song and watching TV is also included in deterritorialization or telemediatization.
  I used to think that globalization has little to do with my life. But cultural globalization is very close to our daily life.
3.Identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle
  After read this article, I thought about oriental culture. This article and first article, there are no mention of the oriental culture. Because, Western world is the most powerful forces in globalization and capitalism. However, Now days many oriental countries are occupy a prominent place in world economy system. And then, What should oriental world do in order to lead the globalization?

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