Monday, October 5, 2015

What is Globalization?

1) Summarize in your own words of materials you read;
Globalization is not easily explained by a single, overarching definition as it contains many different factors, and can mean very different things to different people from different backgrounds (eg. Priviledged vs the under priviledged). Till date, the definitions provided by scholars are still aplenty and changing.

Velho suggested looking at globalization from an “Archimedean standpoint”, which means to remove oneself from the object of inquiry and and view it with totality. However, to be entirely objective in defining the process of globalization is near impossible. In its entirety, Velho discusses that globalization can be understood as the general direction in which the whole world is heading towards.

In addition, globalization has many disciplines and was not a studied subject until after 1989. Global recognition of globalization increased with the antiglobalization movements desmonstrated at several organization meetings. Some felt that globalization was undesirable, and these were mostly the “losers” in the globalization process. However, countries and economies that recognized and reaped the advantages of globalization were trying to develop policies in favour of globalization.

There were people who viewed globalization from a multidimensional point of view while there is also the more unidimensional view(economic only). Adopting a multidimensional view of globalization allowed them to see globalization in its many facets. All of these stemmed from the simple observation of the world increasingly becoming a “single place”.

It is widely felt that interconnectedness is the main feature of globalization. The author points out that accepting such a view may cause one to neglect the fact that it could actually be a “combination of  both subjective and cultural factors”. People tend to neglect the “consciousness” factor when they focus too much on the “connectivity” factor.  Huntington pointed out that wars and civilizational conflicts has its roots in the contention of “nature and the purpose of life”. That is, when different groups of people cannot find harmony and balance between their conflicting views, conflict arises. (eg. The West vs the Islamics).

The author also says that the social dimension of globalization is often neglected in the study of globalization. However, there is Ritzer, who took this into account when he wrote about Macdonaldization. Generally, the author agreed that the major dimensions of globalization are indeed cultural, social, political and economic and all of these are equally important. But he stresses that under social, there is the commmunicative aspect.

There could be many ways the world could turn out completely different from the way it is today and Wallerstein feels that that it is due to capitalism that the world is how it is today. However, anti-systematic movements has been challenging this process.
Many authors have proposed that we can look at globalization in the international-systemic aspect, the concept of humanity, individual selves and the nation-state. The author wrote about different examples that proves that all of the above components should be included in considering globalization.

Another term, Glocalization was also analysed in this article. It relates largely to business. When considering global and local, people may look at it as largely different and conflicting. However, the author suggested looking at it as two different sides of a coin. Instead of concerning ourselves with debating over this concept, we should look more into how global and local are actually interacting with each other.

The theories of diffusion is similar to glocalization and it is not an entirely new concept. If we go according to the theories of diffusion, then glocalization would be a self-limiting process, (since diffusion will eventually stop at an equilibrium). However, if we adapt Ritzer’s point of view, globalization would not stop until the entire world is fully influenced by it.

The author ends the article by supporting the ever changing and improving framworks used to describe the complexity of globalization. Without it, globalization may be frowned upon and may be unreasonably used as a reason for many problems in the world.

2) Mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned;
When first asked about globlization in class, I immediately thought of interconnectedness of the world. To me, globalization meant interconnectedness and the world becoming smaller. Thus, when reading this article and the author raised the point that interconnectedness is not everything, I was very intrigued! Indeed, I neglected the aspect of consciousness that should be given the same attention as interconnectedness.  The heightened consciousness of everyone and every country of the things happening around them is an incredibly important aspect of globalization.

An example of global consciousness would be environmental consciousness. Most of us know the dangers of global climate change/global warming. As a result, more and more people are aware of the environmental effects that their actions brings. Thus, by the collective efforts of recycling, using green energy and donating to global charities etc, we are all demonstrating heightened consciousness as an effect of globalization.

3) Identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle that is either problematic in some respect or could have been elaborated more. 
Something that I do not agree with is that we should look at globalization/glocalization from the theory of diffusion. I agree, firstly, that it certainly shows similar patterns as diffusion, where ideas and cultures are spread across the world. However, it should be noted that diffusion is the “net movement of molecules or atoms from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration”.  How can we say that some countries or cultures have a “higher concentration” than others? To me, all countries, cultures and ideas are unique in their own way, with none of them being superior over another. Even if a certain country, culture or idea is more widely spread compared to others, it doesn’t mean that the latter is less desirable. Hence, to me, I feel that diffusion cannot explain globalization and thereafter, globalization is not a process that is self-limiting. I feel that globalization is a never ending process as it is constantly evolving.

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