Thursday, November 19, 2015

Political Globalization

1. Summarize in your own words of materials you read

  The concept of political globalization is also multidimensional, accelerated and interconnected organization of space and time across national borders. Such as other form of globalization. Political globalization is process of make world postnational and transnational. In political globalization process, nation-state is decreased by the impact of global forces which have created different kinds of politics arising from and the development of transnational networks and flows, on the other, processes of de- and reterritorialization. Processes of political globalization open up new emancipatory possibilities, while for others globalization leads to a loss of autonomy and the fragmentation of the social world. In this article, highlights the multifaced nature of political globalization, which is best seen as a relational dynamic rather than a new kind of reality. Political globalization, can be understood as a tension between three processes which interact to produce the complex field of global politics: global geopolitics, globalnormative culture and polycentric networks.
  A first demension of political globalization, is the global geopolitics. Global geopolitics is a territorially based kind of globalization and largely confined to the political form of the nation-state. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the communist regimes in Europe after 1991, democracy has become the universally acceptable form of government. The famous thesis of the ‘end of history’, it does not means end of ideology. Spread of liberal democracy did not lead to the end of ideology but to the proliferation of more and different kinds of ideology. The globalization of democratic
politics has been the basis of the so-called ‘new world order’. It associated with the bid for world wide supremacy by the United States and the legitimation of global wars. But, The United States will not beable to establish global supremacy and will be challenged by many centres of power.
  A second dimension of political globalization refers to the rise of a global normative culture. The main expressions of this is human rights and environmental concerns such as sustainable development. It is also a dimension of globalization that is not specifically Western. The sovereignty of the state has been challenged by the rights of the individual leading to tensions between peoplehood and personhood. States were once the main agents of global norms. But these days, a global normative culture has
come into existence beyond the state system and exists in a relation of tension with states.
  A third dimension of political globalization is polycentric networks. It is less related to states and which is not reducible to global normative culture. This is forms of nonterritorial politics and which cannot be reduced to a single centre. It is associated with emerging forms of global governance.
Political globalization’s three dynamics makes some social transformation such as, the transformation of nationality and citizenship, the public sphere and political communication, civil society, and space and borders.
  In politics, communication is very important thing. The Public sphere is now pervaded by what can be called a global public. In global public discourse that political communication and public discourse. The importance of civil society to political globalization lies in its potential to organize resistance to the global hegemony of capitalism and/or the United States.
Political globalization has a strong influence on the many parts of world. However, it made some of tensions, such as state versus civil society, cleavages between traditional and industrial economies.

2.Mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned, 3.Identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle
  This article was pretty difficult to me. Because, I have no interest in politics. But, the part of global normative culture was pretty interesting. Above all, Environmental part is interesting. I didn’t know that environmental concerns such as sustainable development is parts of political globalization. In modern days, I think that sustainable development is very important concept. Because, current world is well developed, and the environment has been sufficiently contaminated. I think development should consider a environment better then progress. To do that, government and NGO should help each other.
  Sustainable development and worry about environment pollution is not so difficult to developed nations. For developing countries, however, it is another situation. Is it fair to developing countries apply to the same global environment regulation of developed nations? If not, What is proper global regulation for developing countries?

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