Saturday, November 7, 2015

“What is the relation between politics and globalization?”

“What is the relation between politics and globalization?”Political Globalization - Gerard Delanty and Chris Rumford

 In "political Globalization",  Delanty and Rumford talk about the relation between politics and globalization. They focused three dimensions(the geopolitics of global power, the rise of a global normative culture and polycentric networks).

  I’d like to focus on his second definition of globalization, normative culture. It is hard to define exactly, They said it is independent of geopolitics and is largely legal but diffused in global political communication. I think is quite complicated but it don’t emerge by itself, kind of artificially made for more convenient in many fields by people in the world, as the world society are bigger and bigger. One of the main expression of this is human rights. It is the center of global cosmopolitanism at the moments. Human Rights, What an unfamiliar word! If you lived in the world 100 years ago, You hardly heard about it(in modern meaning) and no one’s care about it. But nowadays, Human Right is one of the most important Norms in the world society.

  Let me think about European Migrant Crisis connected with Human Rights. In 2015, EU have been facing unprecedeneted refugees influx since world war II. If you lived in a country which is having a problem in many ways at least 100 years ago, you couldn’t think leave your country. You have lived in your country and It will happen forever. The boundary of thinking of my life is inside my country. That’s happen naturally because globalization didn’t exist and that’s boundary worked in the world society. However, globalization has been ongoing, boundary is shrinking and normative culture such as Human Rights environmental concerns are coming to us. There are many reasons why people left their countries and coming forward Europe. But one of the based reason of this movement is Human Rights. For a right to lead a life worthy of human dignity such as political, economy and general living standard, they are leaving their countries despite of the risk of their lives. That’s are one of the movement of Human Rights, I think.  
  On the paper, he said in globalization, communication is central. One of the most influential tool is media by public. In the past, Public run by people who were professional and upper classed people in the society. However, today we are making public every seconds by Social Media. Even if refuges having leaving their countries for a few years, European government or any international society didn’t make any specific action for that. They rejected to take refugees to their countries indirectly. However in the middle of refugees influx in Europe, world society faced huge turning point. It is not tremendous things, it is just a photo. Turkish media spread the photo of 3 year-old Syrian boy who died in Mediterranean who were trying to enter the Europe, escaping from Syrian civil war. This photo spread through social Media like Facebook, Twitter all the world. It totally changed the view of refugees of world citizens. After this Germany announced they are willing to accept 0.8million refugees, which is more number that whole European accepted in 2014. Of course it is not just about Human Rights or humanitarian things.This matter involves many complicated circumstances such as economic and political things. However we can think out global communication especially operated by media which is strong enough to cause world issue can the driving force of the world.

  It is hard to say any relation between politics and globalization, the certain thing is everything is changing and that change are happening at the moment. That is not just other countries problem, it is all about our society work. We just have a look at European Migrant refugees as problem of European countries, which is not true. International society are forcing Korea and Japan to accept refugees even if it is really far from here(for my own opinion, it is not recommended in Korea, which has very poor system for refugees at the moment). Everything will be more getting complicated compared time that globalization didn’t start.    

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