Tuesday, November 10, 2015

opinion sharing through SNS

In today's class, we watched  ted's video. 
​In 2nd video, There is a scene that As a child post her school meals pictures , She communicates with other people.
As I watched that part, I came up with a similar example in Korea that Jun Seok Lee who is businessman says in Korea TV show "I'm going to school"
A student complain. Even though he paid same money, he ate school meals that is difference with school meals of other schools.
At first, This student started alone to post pictures of his school meals through Facebook.
But, gladually, It seperated and other sudents started also to post picture of their school meals.
Therefore, schools that have same menu can compare own school meal with school meal of other school  each other.
So, First started student can more assist about his thinking.

In ted's video, When a child say that teacher tell me quit, people who have seen her SNS  resist and she can post her picture again.
And, In korea example, through school meal pictures that students posted , their mom risisted.
Through this examples, We know that at first, saying own complain is difficult, but after saying, change starts.
Also, SNS that they used can important role about open policy.

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