Monday, December 21, 2015

Political Globalization

Political Globalization
Summarize in your own words of materials you read
The concept of globalization in this chapter show diverse meanings. It is multidimensional and interconnected organization of time and space all around the world. Development of a global political culture is the fragmentation of the social world leading to a loss of political autonomy. There are three processes.
Firstly, the globalization of the nation-state, and its model of political membership and institutionalized governance, has given form to the universal aspiration for democracy. The nation-state is an important role for political autonomy, via the sovereignty of peoplehood, and democracy is an important badge of membership in a world community of nation-states. Wherever democracy exists, democratic deficits are being discovered.
Second, global normative culture has also acted as de fecto for global norms of personhood positing a world of individuals sustained by human rights law. Global normative culture has been disseminated by INGOs over a long period of time and has scripted the development of the nation-state as a global form. At the same time as working to individuate and fragment, these processes also open up the possibilities of new cosmopolitan collectivities. It is created in the recognition that the needs of humanity are prior to those of democracy.
Lastly, polycentric networks, and particularly the development of global civil society, create new opportunities for autonomy and the recognition of a range of new actors and new modes of governance, but, at the same time, can create new instabilities and dangers.
Mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned
I think globalization is defined very widely. The defined concept is various but I focused on new cosmopolitan collectivities. This is new communities of fate emerging from the recognition that we live in a ‘world risk society’. One of the main expressions of this is human rights. The human rights lie at the central of a global cosmopolitanism, but it also includes environmental concerns and these are now global. Also, it is a dimension of globalization that is not specifically Western. As a result of global communication and popular culture etc., political communication is now also global in scope, no longer confined to national borders. National politics is increasingly framed in terms of global discourses. This is impressing part of mine.
Identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle 

I guess communication with global scope is sharing through diverse ways. There are some interest things, such as how can we define human rights all around the world. Because of cultural background, we cannot define easily the ‘right’ human rights. Also, political globalization is difficult for people to connect widely. We have to think about these parts. 

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