Sunday, September 20, 2015

What Is Globalization?

What Is Globalization?

(Roland Robertson and Kathleen E.White)

File:Boy with earth.jpg

1. Globalization is changing it's characteristics when the world is changing. If one country collapses its political system, it will interact other countries, and consequently  globalization would be change. For example, North Korea has dictatorial government. Therefore they tightly regulate South Korea and Western culture. However, if they relax regulations, they will start globalization in earnest. It could change trend of worldwide.

2. I think there is no fixed definition of globalization. One of the reason that could not definite it is the dimension of globalization is too large to define. The word 'globalization' includes culture, social, economy, politics, environment and so on. Besides any one of these dimensions is more important than the other. (the author Roland Robertson suggested globalization as the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole)

3. Globalization works not only macroscopic processes but also microscopic ways. We could remind global society effects each individual's life. However, it means society changing vulnerably depends on personal identity. We living in global world have complex relationship between homogeneity and heterogeneity.

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