Monday, September 21, 2015

which of those are most surprising?

I think many south korean belive religion.
So, I thought importance of religion in life is top parts in South korea.
But, in grape, south korea is about 25%.
it is very low ratio  when this ratio compares to other nation
Also, ratio of 'not at all importatnt' is similar ratio of 'very important'

It is surprised to me.

1 comment:

  1. I once red book 'The God delusion' written by Richard Dawkins. He insists that there is no god in whole universe and also insists that people who lives in highly religious country have higt possibility to get religion. He emphasizes that someone's background and which culture are they in is the most important factor which can make people get certain religion. That is why Egypt and Iraq has extremely high ratio of people who believe religion is important in their lives.
